Susana Gallardo
G3, Family office co-chair and President of the gallardo family group board
Since November 2020, Susana Gallardo has chaired the family council of Landon Grupo Corporativo. Landon Grupo Corporativo is active in real estate, private equity and other financial investments, in addition to its controlling interests in Almirall (pharmaceutical company) and Goodgrower (which manages the second largest group of private hospitals in Spain). She holds a BSc degree in economics and politics from Oxford Polytechnic and graduated from City of London Polytechnic and IESE Business School (Advance Management Program).
She is a member of the Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield Supervisory Board since November 10, 2020 and a member of its Governance and Nomination Committee since November 13, 2020, which was merged into the Governance, Nomination and Remuneration Committee on January 1, 2021. She was previously a director of Abertis and Vice-President of Pronovias. From 2007 until 2014, she sat on the Board of Directors of CaixaBank (LaCaixa Group), where she was Chairman of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee. Before that, Mrs Gallardo was also a Director of Criteria Caixa and Chairman of the Audit Committee.

Community Labs: Family Office - Advanced: Navigate your Family Office journey
Community Labs
You have an established family office with at least 5 years of experience. Key questions include: What is your family ownership strategy? How do you align on risk and allocate resources? What are the KPIs? How do you incentivize managers?
Community Lab Family Office - Aspiring: Navigate your Family Office journey
Community Labs
You are considering, are in the process of or have established family office. Key questions are around both the family side (education of the Next Gen, family cohesion, family compensation, philanthropy…) and the business side (wealth planning diversification, active investing, non-family talent, impact investment…)